Set in Victorian London, the series follows a gang of troubled street teens who are manipulated into solving horrifying supernatural crimes for the sinister Doctor Watson and his mysterious business partner, the elusive Sherlock Holmes. This 2021 Netflix Original reached Number 1 in the Nielsen rankings as the most watched show in the U.S and Worldwide on any Network or platform, and also reached the Number 1 spot as most watched show on Netflix in 41 countries. 

“One of the best television shows of the year so far is a wrenching meditation on the power of grief… You might think I’m talking about Disney+s Wandavision. But this description also applies to Netflix’s less hyped, but far superior, “The Irregulars.” NBCNews

"Supernatural Sherlock series is the first genuinely gripping young adult drama in years". The Metro

“A show full of genius strokes… A victorian supernatural masterpiece.” Hypable

"a winning young-adult detective series” -LA Times

“A Bona fide hit for Netflix” Techradar

"Supernatural horrors and a cracking young cast make for compulsive viewing" **** Inews

"This Netflix series dares to be different. It dares to venture out and bring a harsher elusiveness to our favourite characters. Surprisingly, the urge to have the constant presence of the two detectives is not felt, mostly due to the kids, who bring roles that enlighten the audience with their stories of courage and togetherness in the hells of poverty. " READY STEADY CUT

"goosebump-inducing, jump-scare-filled mysteries... not for the faint of heart" - THE AV CLUB

"With its sweary dialogue, pop soundtrack and feminist sensibility, The Irregulars joins shows likeThe Great andBridgerton in being thoroughly anachronistic – joyfully, as far as I’m concerned, though if the sci-fi antics have driven Sherlock purists to the edge... it delivered an utterly immersive new take on the Sherlock universe and a dynamic, compulsive set of mysteries." - MSN


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